Precious Child helps survivor victims of Trafficking to face their new life and give hope, by offering support through empowerment and Case Management.

About Us

Precious Child was created to offer Victim Services to those survivors of Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation. Texas is considered Number 2 in the United States, with Dallas being considered a hub spot for Sex and Labor Trafficking within the “Texas Triangle” (Houston, Dallas, and Austin).

Visit here to read 6 truths about human trafficking

It is said that only about 1% of Sex trafficked victims are rescued or will survive trafficking. According to Upbring, Texas has an estimate of 313,000 victims being trafficked, and most likely the number is even higher. Resources are still limited and can be overwhelming when they are trying to just figure out where they will sleep and eat next. That is where Precious Child comes in. Our goal is to offer Case Management to help find housing, shelter, career search, legal advocacy, and other sources that will help them find their own life through their own choices. It can be terrifying and overwhelming for the survivors, but we want to be there to guide and help them to make healthy decisions; a life that they now have control over to make their own. 


Please email for help or questions at:

Hours of operation:
Saturdays and Sundays

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute.
Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.

Proverbs 31:8-9

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